Sunday, July 21, 2013

Like I mentioned before, we are preparing for a long car trip.  Like in a few hours.  I have the capability to post from the road on my smart phone.  But typing big, long essays while riding in the car is not compatible with sanity.  So you should expect little tiny posts.  They may look like this:


Like I said, not compatible.

Right now I am looking at one long counter of food stuff that needs to be packed up some way to travel in a hot truck bed (covered) for the next two days.  I am thinking laundry baskets, because we are Klassy.

And there is still a pretty big list of things to buy once we are there because I am not transporting the 3 dozen eggs and two gallons of milk or anything else that needs refrigeration.  I love vacations.

Why is it that when we plan for a week of 'relaxation' it requires a few days of heightened stress?  To illustrate the stress, I had a doctor's appointment this week.  I have asthma and about every 6 months I have to go have my lungs listened to in order to make sure I can still breathe.  Breathing is nice, wouldn't you say?

This time my blood pressure was high.  Not, get-this-girl-to-the-hospital high, but high enough that I am no longer ingesting intentional salt and the whole weight loss thing is more urgent than ever before.  Those of you who are thinking right now, "Of course she has high blood pressure, she's a fatty," can stop reading and kiss my very wide ass.  I don't need you here.  Go.  Away.

I have never had highish blood pressure before.  I joked with the doctor about how my blood pressure would go down once the kids were in school and all was okay, but it was a little frightening.  I should be made of sterner stuff after having 4 human beings inside, but I am not.

In any case, driving for 10 hours plus stops and meals and negotiating said stops and meals with my 4 children, cranky husband, bipolar mother, and wonderful father should end up with a MUCH lower blood pressure, I am sure.  You will certainly know when I get back.  Cause I am an over-sharer.

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