Saturday, August 3, 2013

I am a cunning linguist.

My internet went a little sideways this week.  The hubba-lubba-ding-dong came home and set everything right.  All is well.  I hate that I waited for him to return to get it fixed.  I could have done that myself.  I am not helpless.  But I am busy.

I managed to do the hundred other things that needed doing this week and I had 4G on my phone so I was fine with not having my desktop, except for this blog.  Or personal diary.  More of a personal diary because most of the folks who are reading it are in Russia.  Seriously.  Blogger tracks these things. 

And the most viewed post was the one titled "The Story of a Quicky."  Now real people who read will realize that this was about a quick weekend trip away with my family.  It in no way referred to any bedroom activities.

But now I know that if I want to get more hits on the blog, I need to make vaguely sexual references in my titles.  Titles like "Blow My Man Down" that is about an unfortunate weather incident.  Or  "Getting Laid" that is really about putting down new flooring.  Or perhaps "My Threesome" which would relate my day with my kids, but one is visiting his Nana.

Think you could come up with more vaguely sexual titles?  I would use them if you leave one in the comments!  (See what I did there?  Just a small beg for comments!)  Come on all you Russians!  Put your comment through the Google translator and have a go!  Practice your english skills!

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