Wednesday, March 6, 2013

This is NOT a begging post.  Promise.

But nobody is following me.  A few folks have found me probably by looking for the keyword "Zombie" but they probably weren't looking for a mommy blog when they punched that in.

And I think the real reason is that I won't link this on facebook or tell all my friends about it.  Kind of counter-intuitive, huh?

And here is why I won't be self-promoting anytime soon.  Some of these thoughts are about people I know.  Heh.  I might, eventually, talk about my family.  They might not want to know what I am thinking about them.  Specifically, my mother.  

I really have no idea how anyone else does this humor blog stuff without revealing their inner-family-dynamics.  And without hurting their feelings.  My very best stories all circle around family because those are the folks with whom I spend a majority of my time.  For instance, if I tell you about the 3 foot fake Barbie angel Christmas, my mother-in-law might take offense.  Or if I tell you about the time my mom said, "I can see I made a lot of mistakes raising you," there could be very real repercussions.

And I want to tell you those stories.  They are gooooood!  (Or at least in the case of my mother, cathartic.)

Now I do know that a few relatively famous bloggers have actually taken down posts that referred to their religion and/or family ties.  I don't expect to ever be relatively famous so I don't think this will be my problem, but just in case, no mentions of my very permanent and personal diary will happen anywhere else.  

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