Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Taaaa Daaaa!!!!

Another new blog!  I bet you just can't wait to see what another suburban housewife thinks about toilet paper.

Or not so much.  

So what makes this blog different?  I don't know for sure.  I have a pretty irreverent sense of humor.  I do have 4 children and they are all the same age.  Lots of folks seem to think that is worth a comment or two.  I am sure they will have some starring roles in the weeks to come.  

I live in a rural area of Southern Illinois.  I like to say we put the southern into Southern Illinois.  Let's just suffice it to say that if you visit the local DQ you might hear the word "warsh" or perhaps "you'ns."  As in, "You'ns better warsh your hands before you eat all that ice cream cone!"

But mostly what is getting me started is a power outage.

I woke at 3 AM to one of the kids crying because the light was out.  The power was out so, of course, the lights didn't work.  The child who woke to NO LIGHT was not comforted by the no power story and woke every other kid up too.  That was fun.  I spent the next hour consoling and cajoling them to restfulness.

But after they were content, I was awake.  The husband?  Yeah.  He was sound asleep and when nudged, not happy to hear that anyone else was awake.  I would say that in that moment he really didn't care.  And I was still awake.  

It wasn't storming out.  There was no immediately visible reason for the power outage.  I was starting to be curious.  Hell, I was awake.  I might as well ruminate on what was going on outside.  

My first thought was that it must be a Zombie Apocalypse.  

I know.  It is sunny outside right now so that sounds pretty absurd and foolish.  But at four in the morning with a little bit of fog, I admit I looked out the windows for shambling silhouettes.

I began perusing the pantry to check our supplies.  I had some water, some canned meat.  

That wouldn't make it in all the zombie movies I had watched.  Zombieland still had power, but Walking Dead does not.  How long could we last on these supplies?  Maybe I need to raid a grocery store.

What about protection?  My husband is a hunter so we do have some ammunition and a few firearms.  Not enough.  Add that to the grocery store raid.

So what if my family became zombies?  That would be tough.  Now, looking back, I am highly amused at how quickly I came to the conclusion...

I would let my kids eat me.  But I would kill my husband if he was a zombie.  Sorry buddy.  

I did eventually get back to sleep.  I haven't told my husband yet that he wouldn't make the cut in a zombie apocalypse.  I am not sure the idea would even keep him up at night.

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